Dr. Bhushan Jawale
Orthodontist, Pune
- 19 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Dr. Bhushan Jawale is a consultant orthodontics at Smile N Shine, Pune
- Dr. Bhushan Jawale is sucessfully handling 400 to 450 running cases
- Languages : English, Hindi, Marathi
- BDS with honors from PMT’S Rural Dental college Loni (Ahmednagar,Pune University)
- Completing three years of Orthodontic program (M.D.S.) with first class from Rajiv Gandhi University, Banglore
Practice Information
Smile N Shine, Pune
Off. No.14, 2nd floor, The Millenium Apartment, Opposite Rajmal Lakhichand Jewellers , Nal Stop, Karve Road, Erandawane, Pune, Maharashtra - 411004
Achievements & Contributions
- International Level:-Invited as Co- chairperson for P.G. student scientific session at 12 th I.O.S. & first SAARC Orthodontic P.G. student Convention Pune (2007)
- National Level:-Invited as Judge and Chair person for Paper presentation at All India PG Dental Students Convention 2011, held at Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Pune. India
- Invited as Judge and Chair person for Poster presentation at All India PG Dental Students Convention 2011, held at Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Pune. India
- Chaired a Scientific Session in Orthodontics, at the All India Post-Graduate Dental Student Convention
- Scientific Paper " Ortho - Perio Corelationship at 38 th I.O.C. Coimbatore.
- Second Prize for Poster presentation “Ortho - Perio Interrelationship “held at 38 th I.O.C. Coimbatore
- Local:-Poster," Ortho - Perio Interrelationship" at KLES Institute of Dental Sciences Belgaum.Karnataka
- Publications:-International Book:-Best Analgesics for pain associated with Separator Placement - A Study. Lambert Academic Publishing 2011. Germany and USA. ISBN-3843391300, 9783843391306
- Dental Plaque Ph variation with regular soft drink, diet soft drink and High energy drink-an in Vivo Study. The Journal of Contemp. Dental Practice. March 2012 Issue
- Articles:-International:-An unusual pattern of Self-Inflicted injury after Dental Local Anesthesia: A Report of 2 cases. J. Contemp Dent Pract 2011; 12(5):404-407
- Soft skill Appraisal for dentistry: A tool for Positive Practice Management. J. Contemp Dent Pract 2011; 12(6):475-478
- Antimicrobial Activity of commercially available Essential oils against Streptococcus Mutans; J. Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13(1):486-489
- Dr. Bhushan Jawale continues to be an active member of the Indian Orthodontic Society
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