Dr.A.V. Nagaraja
Neurologist, Shimoga
- 24 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Junior resident in NIMHANS (1998-2001)
- Senior resident in NIMHANS (2001-2003 August)
- Lecturer in Neurology (Sept 2003 – Jan 2004)
- Asst. Prof. of Neurology in St. Johns Medical College (Feb 2004 – Sep 2004)
- Presently Assistant Prof. of neurology SDM medical Dharwad
- Presently working as Consultant Neurologist in Nagaraj Neuro Clinic, Shimoga from Oct-2004 to present
- MBBS from M.R.Medical College, Gulburga, March 1998
- Post-Graduation from Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore, August 2001
- DM from NIMHANS, Bangalore, August 2003
Practice Information
Nagaraj Neuro Clinic, Shimoga
ANK Road, Gandhi Nagar, Shimoga, Karnataka - 577201
Achievements & Contributions
- Gold medalist in DM Neurology 2003
- Best paper award in International conference of Neuropsychiatry in 2002 – Chennai for “ Reversible Dementia a forgotten entity”
- Best poster award in 2006 – Sydney for “ Reversible Dementia and a role of investigation
- In 2007 – IAN award for best Paper in Neurology Neuropsychiatry symptoms in Alzheirmer’s dementia and Fronto temperal dementia
- International JournalsNeuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia-frequency, relationship to dementia severity and comparison in Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and frontotemporal dementia. Srikanth S, Nagaraja AV, Ratnavalli E. J Neurol Sci. 2005 Sep 15;236(1-2):43-8
- Clinical and neurobehavioural features of frontotemporal dementias: A hospital-based study from South India Ratnavalli Ellajosyula, Jayakumar Peruvamba, Veerendrakumar Mustare, Ravi Shankar, Nagaraja Adidam, Nagaraj Dindagur
- Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association July 2009 (Vol. 5, Issue 4, Supplement, Page P506)
- Patterns of involvement in vascular dementia in South Indians — a clinical and neuroimaging study. Neurobiology of Aging (July 2004), 25, Supplement 2, pg. S368-S368.Ratnavalli Ellajosyula; Jayakumar Peruvamba; Ravi Shankar; Nagaraja Adidam
- National JournalsPavitra KS,Nagaraja AV-clinical and neuroimaging features of frontotemporal dementia,Indian psychiatric society –Karnataka branch News letter Feb-2005,14-17
- Pavitra KS,Nagaraja AV- Opercular syndrome, Indian psychiatric society –Karnataka branch News letter Jun-2005,14-17
- Pavitra KS,Nagaraja AV-Depression in Myasthenia Gravis, Indian psychiatric society –Karnataka branch News letter Aug 2005,14-16
- Pavitra KS,Nagaraja AV-Poststroke neuropsychiatric illness, Indian psychiatric society –Karnataka branch News letter Mar 2005,14-16
- Pavitra KS,Nagaraja AV-Neurological syndromes which can be mistaken for psychiatric conditions- Indian psychiatric society –Karnataka branch News letter April 2005,11-14
- Life member of Indian Medical Association
- Life member of Indian Epilepsy Association
- Life member of Indian academy of Neurology
- Life member of Neurological Society of India
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