Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta
Cosmetic Surgeon, Pune
- 1 Hospital
- Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta is currently practicing as an Honorary Consultant Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon at both Ruby Hall Clinic and Oyster and Pearl Hospitals in Pune, India
- He is the founder and Director of Aesthetics Medispa, a health, wellness and Cosmetic Surgery centre in Pune, Maharastra
- He has been honoured with Assistant Professorship in Plastic Surgery at Bharti Vidyapeeth, a deemed university
- He Worked as a Consultant in the South Manchester University NHS Trust Hospital
- Languages : English
Cosmetic Surgery
Breast Surgery
Hair Transplantation
Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery
Tummy Tuck Surgery
- Body Contouring surgery ( Liposuction and Tucks) and Surgical
- Non Surgical rejuvenation surgery (Face Lift, Botox and fillers)
- Cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery
- Facial cosmetic surgery
- MBBS from B.J Medical College, University Pune, 1990
- MS Gen. Surgery from B.J. Medical College, University Pune, 1993
- MCh (Plastic Surgery) from T.N. Medical College, Mumbai University, 1996
- FRCS (Glas) Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 2000
- He has done fellowships in several areas of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery from Chelmsford and Cambridge, Mt Vernon, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, St. Andrews Centre for Plastic Surgery and the Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit at Manchester University NHS Trust, acquiring his FRCS in 2000
Practice Information
Aesthetics Medispa, Pune
Off FC Road or Lakaki Road, 2, Sneh Riviera, Next to Model Colony Lake, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra - 411016
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- Publications Indexed Journals:A Davalbhakta, N S Niranjan. Fasciocutaneous flaps based on Fascial feeding vessels for defects in the peri-olecranon area. Br J Plast Surg (1999), 52, 60-63
- A Davalbhakta, BCS Sommerlad. Cavi-Care for hypospadias dressing, (Letter) Br J Plast Surg 1999, 4, 325-326.5
- A Davalbhakta, P Hall. Impact of antenatal diagnosis in the timing and effectiveness of counselling for cleft lip and palate. Br J Plast Surg 2000, 53, 298-301.
- A Davalbhakta, BGH Lamberty. Technique for uniform reduction of macroglossia. Br J Plast Surg 2000, 53, 294-297.
- A Davalbhakta, S Hamilton, J W Grant and BGH Lamberty. Spread of a recurrent lentigo maligna into a graft -A case for conservative treatment. Br J Plast Surg. 2001 54, 253-256.
- P N Hall & A Davalbhakta. Scientific evidence and expert clinical opinion for the investigation and mangement of stage III melanoma – surgical intervention. A chapter in “The Effective Management of Malignant Melanoma. Eds R M Mackie, D Murray, R D Rosin, B Hancock, A Miles. Aescilapius Medical Press 2001. 51-64.
- A Davalbhakta and P N Hall. Evaluation of the role of Bow Sutures in the repair of the skin in cleft lips. Transactions of the IX International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies. 25- 29th June 2001, Goteborg, Sweden.
- A Davalbhakta & N Niranjan. A simple technique for percutaneous suturing of alar cartilages in closed rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2005 Jun;115(7):2148-50.
- PresentationsPerforator based fasciocutaneous flaps for defects in the peri-olecranon area, presented at the winter meeting of B.A.P.S., Dec. 1997. Co-authors: N S Niranjan & M K Sood.
- Role of antenatal ultrasound in counselling for cleft lip and palate - presented at the 6th European Craniofacial Congress for Cleft Lip and Palate, Manchester. 23 June 99 and the East Anglia Regional Audit meeting, July 99. Co-author: P N Hall.
- Cost effectivity of endoscopy in the diagnosis of upper G.I. diseases. Annual conference of the research society of B.J. medical college. August 92.
- Evaluation of role of Bow Sutures in repair of the skin in cleft lip repairs. Presented in the IX th international Congress of Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies in Goteberg.28th-30th June 2001. Co-author: P N Hall
- V – Y advancement flaps for the reconstruction of the sole of the foot. A Davalbhakta & N S Niranjan. Presented at the National Conference of the Association of Plastic Surgeons Of India. 29th November 2002.
- Perforator based V – Y advancement flaps for the reconstruction of the sole of the foot. A Davalbhakta & N S Niranjan. Presented at the Summer Meeting of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Cardiff 4th July 2003
- Simple techniques for estimation of breast volumes in reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery. A Davalbhakta & N S Niranjan. Presented at the National Conference of the Association of Plastic Surgeons Of India. 29th November 2003.
- Anatomical basis for Perforator based flaps of the lower limbs. Invited guest lecture at the North of England regional training day. Preston 10th of Oct 2003.
- Spectrum of management of Asymmetric Breasts. A Davalbhakta & N S Niranjan Presented at the National Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India New Delhi Nov 2005
- A New Technique for Management of Tuberous Breasts A Davalbhakta & N S Niranjan Presented at the National Conference of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India Nov 2005.6
- Insights in to Cosmetic Surgery for 21st Century Women. Invited guest lecture at the annual conference of the Pune Society of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists. 4th Dec 2005.
- Life Member of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India
- Member of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- International Candidate American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Glasgow UK
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