Dr. Arika Bansal  Hair Transplant Specialist in Gurgaon

Dr. Arika Bansal

Hair Transplant Specialist, Gurgaon


  • 1 Hospital


Dr. Arika Bansal is a consultant Hair Transplant Specialist associated with Eugenix Hair Science, Gurgaon.


  • Hair Transplantation


Dr. Arika Bansal MD (AIIMS, New Delhi) expertise in field of hair transplantation. She has experience if implanting more than a million grafts.


MD, AIIMS, New Delhi

Practice Information

Eugenix Hair Sciences, Gurgaon

Eugenix Hair Sciences, Gurgaon

935-P, Sector 51, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122018

Achievements & Contributions

  • THESIS: Evaluation of weekly azathioprine pulse versus daily azathioprine (2004-2006)
  • Clinical and pathological study for epidermal nevi
  • Clinical study of Reiter's disease
  • Comparison of patch test results with ISS and Photopatch series in patients with suspected photosensitivity
  • Evaluation of patch test with footwear series antigens and ISS in patients with suspected footwear contact allergy.
  • Got 2nd prize in young dematologists competition for presentation of research work in IADVL annual conference (Delhi) held on 18.12.2005.
  • Vishnupriya Debi Award for best paper published in IJDVL during the year 2006. Paper: Verma KK, Bansal A, Sethuraman G. Parthenium dermatitis treated with azathioprine weekly pulse doses. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2006 Jan-Feb; 72(1): 24-7.
  • Got gold medal in Ophthalmology for getting highest aggregate marks during Final MBBS (2001).
  • Poster presentation: "Systematised nevus comedonicus" at IADVL conference 2007, Chennai
  • Case presentations at Clinical combined rounds (3 times) at AIIMS
  • Case presentations at monthly IADVL meet held at AIIMS (3 times) in 2004, 2005, and 2006
  • Conducted CMEon vitiligo at KDMIPE auditorium, ONGC, Dehradun on 29th February, 2011.
  • Oral presentation at 4th spring meeting at International society of dermatologic surgery (ISDS) conference, held at Gurgaon on 12.4.2012. "DHT: A novel innovation in the existing FUE technique"
  • Conducted CME on "Hair transplantion: An answer to baldness" held at IMA hall, Dehradun on 7th July, 2012.
  • Attended 19th Orlando live surgery workshop upon Hair Transplantation organized by ISHRS, Florida in April 2013.
  • Attended annual scientific meeting of ISHRS held at SanFranciscoin October 2013.
  • Delivered a lecture upon "Emmergency preparedness in Hair Transplantation" and demonstrated DHT technique of hair transplantation in HAIRCON 2013, Bangalore.
  • Indian Medical Association (IMA)
  • Indian association of dermatologists, venereologists and leprologists (IADVL)
  • Association of cutaneous surgeons of India (ACSI)
  • Association of hair restoration surgeons (AHRS)
  • International society of hair restoration surgeons (ISHRS)