Dr. Anant Kumar
Uro Oncologist, Delhi
- 47 Years Experience
- 3 Hospitals
- Languages : English, Hindi
Uro Oncology
Robotic Surgery
Kidney Transplantation
Renal Transplant
Renal Transplant
- Renal Transplant
- Robotic Urological Procedure
- Laparoscopic Urological Procedure
- Reconstructive Urology
- Reconstructive Urology
- Laser Prostate & Stone Surgery
- Uro Oncology Surgery
- Ureteroscopy
- Endopyelotomy
- Optical Urethrotomy
MBBS, 1980, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India
MS, 1983, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
MCh, 1987, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
DNB, 1988, National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, India
Practice Information
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket
2 Press Enclave Road, Saket, Delhi, Delhi - 110017
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Ghaziabad
W-3, Sector-1, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201012
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Dr. Anant Kumar Clinic, Noida
E-146, Sector-20, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301
Achievements & Contributions
- At Monash University, Australia, he had done renal transplant research in small and medium sized animals. We have tested value of various constituent of UW solution in dog model.He had also learnt microsurgical techniques to do renal transplants in rats where he tested immunosuppressive property of polyethylene glycol.
- He had done a clinical research in various aspects of urology and renal transplantation and have published over 160 papers on various aspect of urology and transplantations
- International:Should upper ureteric stone be routinely manipulated before ESWL? A prospective study. AUA conference at San Antonio, Texas, 1993.
- Functional bladder neck obstruction a rare case of renal failure at SIU Sydney in September 1994
- Laparoscopic diverticulectomy at SIU Sydney in September 1994
- “FK 506 rescue therapy in failing kidney. European Congress of Transplantation in Vienna, Austria in October 1995
- Significance of Routine DJ Stenting in live related renal transplantation in AUA meeting in New Orleans 1997
- Role of JJ stenting in presentation of Urological complication in 5th Congress of Asian Society in Manila, Dec 1997
- Should elderly donors be accepted in live related renal transplantation in AUA meeting in San Diego May 1998
- Current status of Organ donation and co-ordination in India. In 17th World Congress of transplantation in Montreal, Canada July 1998
- Use of marginal donor in live related transplant. In 6th CAST in Singapore, 1999
- Optimal duration of Cyclosporine withdrawl in live related transplant programme. In 6th CAST in Singapore, in 1999
- Endourological Vs open surgery of staghorn stones with renal failure: Prospective randomize trial. Presented in 95th AUA in Atlanta in April 2000
- Substitution urethroplasty for complex urethral stricture. Presented in 95th AUA in Atlanta in April 2000
- Comparison of three techniques of live donor nephrectomy. AUA , Orlando in 2002
- Inerlukin-II in prediction of BCG response in superficial TCC- AUA , Orlando in 2002
- 2 weeks Vs 4 weeks stenting after endopyelotomy. AUA, Orlando in 2002
- Minimal invasive treatment of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in low volume pelvis: A comparison of endopyelotomy and laparoscopic nondismembered pyeloplasty. AUA 2005 held at Sen Antonio
- Can povidone Iodine be an alternatrive to Silver Nitrate for renal pelvis instillation in chyluria? AUA 2005, Sen Antonio
- Apical Vs basolateral prostatic plexus block in transrectal ultrasonography guided prostatic biopsy: A prospective randomized study. AUA 2005, Sen Antonio
- Recipient outcome in laparoscopic Vs open live donor nephrectomy. 9th CAST 2005, Karachi. Pak
- Retroperitoneoscopic live donor nephrectomy for allotransplantation : An initial experience. 9th CAST, Karachi, Pakistan
- Clinical evaluation of efficacy and safety of cyclosporine (Imusporin-Cipla) in renal transplant patients with stable graft function maintained on cyclosporine preparation other than Imusporin. 9th CAST 2005, Karachi. Pakistan
- Retroperitoneal Vs transperitoneal laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy: Results from a prospective randomized trial. 9th CAST 2005, Karachi, Pakistan
- International Fellowship of International Society of Nephrology in Renal Transplantation in 1991
- International Fellowship of Cleveland Clinic Foundation in 1992.
- Visiting Transplant Surgeon in Clinic Im Schachan Aarau, Switzerland in Nov. Dec. 1994
- Senior Registrar in Renal Transplantation at Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K
- Chakroverti Fellowship of USA in 1997 in Endourology & Laparoscopy.
- Visiting Professor at Clinic Hirslanden Zurich in June 1999
- Visiting Professor at East Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Colorado Health Sciences, Denver, Henry ford Health System, Detriot, USA
- Consultant Urologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon, Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge, UK (2003-04)
- Indian Science Congress Society
- Indian Society of Organ Transplantation
- International Society of Nephrology
- Indian Society of Peritoneal Dialysis
- Urological Society of India
- Association of Surgeons of India
- American Urological Association
- Asian society of Transplantation
- Societe Internationale D'Urologie
- European Association of Urology
- Urological Society of India(Northern Chapter)
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