Dr. Amitabh Ray
Oncologist, Kolkata
- 18 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- Dr. Amitabh Ray is Consultant Oncologist at HCG EKO Cancer Centre, Kolkata & Ekbalpur Nursing Home, Kolkata
- Languages : English, Hindi
Cancer Treatment
External Beam Radiotherapy
- Treatment of various cancer sites using External beam Radiotherapy with clinical planning, Conventional simulation using X-Ray simulator and CT simulation
- Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Carcinoma cervix and Endometrium
- Intraluminal Brachytherapy for carcinoma esophagus – thesis in MD involved treatment of more than 50 cases of carcinoma esophagus using ILRT-done independently using Nucletron applicator and subsequently lumencath in Ryles tube
- Plesiotherapy for skin cancer- special interest in geriatric patients where surgery not possible.
- Interstitial Brachytherapy for Breast cancers, Head and neck cancers and soft tissue sarcomas
- 3D Conformal radiotherapy- independent contouring planning and evaluation for various sites including Brain, Head neck, Lung, Esophagus, Gall bladder, Rectum, Endometrium, Cervix, Soft tissue sarcoma etc.
- IMRT- independent contouring planning and evaluation for various sites including Brain tumors, Head and neck cancers, esophageal cancers, Prostate cancer, GI Malignancies, Pelvic radiotherapy for Post operative carcinoma cervix, endometrium, Rectum etc.
- Experienced in handling chemotherapy drugs and biological agents
- Radiobiology and IMRT- the possible advantages and pitfalls
- Image guided Radiotherapy-techniques and technology
- Glioblastoma Multiformae – chemo-radiotherapy, IMRT advantages and dose escalation
- IMRT for Buccal mucous membrane cancers
- Cranio-spinal radiotherapy-prone and supine
- Innovative uses of HDR Stepping source Brachytherapy units
- Repair kinetics and its clinical implications in cancer treatment.
- Pharmacogenomics in chemotherapy
- Metronomic chemotherapy
MBBS, 2001, North Bengal Medical College and Hospital, Susrutnagar, Darjeeling, India
MD (Radiation Oncology), 2007, NRS Medical College. University College of Medical Sciences
DNB (Radiation Oncology), 2008
Practice Information
HCG EKO Cancer Centre, Kolkata
Plot no.- DG-4, Premises, 03-358, Street Number 358, Action Area I, Newtown, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700156
Peerless Hospital & B.K.Roy Research Center, Kolkata
360 Panchasayar, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700094
Achievements & Contributions
- Mere Marie Therese Medal. For topping secondary level examinations in school (ICSE).
- Honours in Pathology and Community Medicine. MBBS.2001
- Gold Medal. For highest overall aggregate in MBBS.2001
- 3rd position. 1st ICRO Teaching Course on brain tumours. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.2005
- Best Short Paper Award. AROI WB State Conference.2006
- 1st position. MD Finals. West Bengal University of Health Sciences.2007
- GC Pant Young Doctor Award. AROI National Conference, Jaipur.2011
- AROI National Level Fellowship. AROI National Conference, Jaipur.2011
- Scientific PublicationsIatrogenc hypothyroidism: a consequence of external beam radiotherapy to the head & neck malignancies; Aich RK, Ranjan DA, Pal S, Naha BL, Amitabh R., J Cancer Res Ther. 2005 Jul-Sep; 1(3): 142-6
- Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and short infusional 5-FU in advanced head and neck malignancies. Aich RK, Deb AR, Ray A. J Cancer Res Ther. 2005 Jan-Mar; 1(1): 46-50.
- Efficacy of adjuvant 5-flurouracil and leucovorin in metastatic gall bladder carcinoma. Aich RK, Deb AR, Pal S, Biswas LN, Das D, Ray A. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2006 Sep-Oct; 25(5): 267-8.
- Rare occurrence of carcinoma esophagus in a case of epidermolysis bullosa. Ray A, Bhattacharya S, Kumar A, Bhattacharya K. Indian J Cancer. 2009 Jan-Mar; 46(1): 72-3.
- Plesiotherapy for non-melanoma skin cancer: Innovating to overcome! Ray A, Basu A, Deb A, Aich RK, Biswas LN, Pal JK.. Indian J Dermatol 2010;55:363-6
- Intestinal mantle cell lymphoma recurring at laparotomy scar region. Ray A, Basu A, Goswami J, Bhattacharya K. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2009;30:151-2
- Optimized point dose measurement for monitor unit verification in intensity modulated radiation therapy using 6 MV photons by three different methodologies with different detector-phantom combinations: A comparative study. Sarkar B, Ghosh B, Sriramprasath, Mahendramohan S, Basu A, Goswami J, Ray A. J Med Phys 2010;35:144-50
- Treatment of cervical carcinoma with high-dose rate intracavitary brachytherapy: two years follow-up study. Das D, Chaudhuri S, Deb AR, Aich RK, Gangopadhyay S, Ray A. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2011;12(3):807-10.
- Comparison of efficacy of letrozole and clomiphene citrate in ovulation induction in Indian women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Banerjee Ray P, Ray A, Chakraborti PS. Arch Gynecol Obstet. Volume 285, Issue 3 (2012), Page 873-877
- AbstractsPublished in special issue of Journal of cancer research and therapeutics Oct- Dec 2009.
- Conformal radiotherapy for carcinoma cervix: Are we treating the right volumes? Goswami J, Ray A , Basu A, Bhattacharya K,Sarkar B
- Intensity modulated radiotherapy in high grade gliomas: pros and cons. Sarkar B, Goswami J, Basu A, Ray A, Sriramprasath S, Mahendramohan S, Bhattacharya K
- MALToma of the orbit- a report on the use of SIB-IMRT. Amitabh Ray, Jyotirup Goswami, Ayan Basu, Biplab Sarkar, Kalyan Bhattacharya
- The graphics tablet: advancement or impediment. Amitabh Ray, Abirlal Sanyal, Jyotirup Goswami, Ayan Basu, Saubhadro Ghosh, Biplab Sarkar, Kalyan Bhattacharya
- Scientific Presentations AROI National Conference 2005 short paper presentation: Breast conservation: Role of HDR- Brachytherapy implant; experience with 12 patients
- AROI National Conference 2005 poster presentation: Plesiotherapy; Role of HDR Brachytherapy. Our experience at NRS Medical College
- AROI State Conference 2006: Best Short paper award for “Plesiotherapy: Role of HDR Brachytherapy in Skin Cancer”
- Poster presentation at International conference, NBRC Manesar in 2003 on Analgesia in Alzheimers disease
- AROI national conference 2009: Poster presentation - MALToma of the orbit- a report on the use of SIB-IMRT. Amitabh Ray, Jyotirup Goswami, Ayan Basu, Biplab Sarkar, Kalyan Bhattacharya
- AROI national conference 2009: Poster presentation -The graphics tablet: advancement or impediment. Amitabh Ray, Abirlal Sanyal, Jyotirup Goswami, Ayan Basu, Saubhadro Ghosh, Biplab Sarkar ,Kalyan Bhattacharya
- AROI national conference 2011 paper presentation- GC Pant Young Doctor Award- Small bowel toxicity in pelvic radiotherapy for post operative gynecological cancer: comparison of conformal radiotherapy with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
- Invited lectures‘Organ conservation in cancer’- at SE Railway Central Hospital, Kolkata in May 2008
- ‘Recent advances in Radiotherapy’ at CME Oncology 2008 organized by Bokaro General Hospital, Bokaro in October 2008
- ‘Radiotherapy beyond IMRT’ at New Frontiers in Hematology and Oncology conference organized by NSCB Cancer research Institute, Kolkata in April 2009
- ‘Adjuvant treatment of Glioma’ at Park Neuroscience Center, Kolkata in April 2009
- Radiotherapy in Carcinoma Cervix at 2011 National Conference of Railways Gynecologists at SE Railway Hospital, Kolkata
- Life Member of AROI (Association of Radiation Oncologists’ of India)
- Member ESTRO (European society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology)
- Member ESMO (European society for Medical Oncology)
- Life Member, Indian Medical Association (IMA), Kidderpore Branch.
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