Dr. Ameet Kishore
ENT Surgeon, Delhi
- 28 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- Dr. Ameet Kishore is a consultant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
- Has over 15 years of experience in ENT overseas in the UK, Europe and USA. Experienced in all aspects of ear, nose, throat and head-neck.
- Special areas of interest are diseases of the ear (deafness, dizziness), nose and sinuses
- Paeditric ENT experience obtained at Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow (UK)
- Has expertise in microscopic ear surgery, endoscopic sinus surgery, micro-laryngeal surgery, lasers and radiofrequency, cochlear implants and implantable hearing aids (BAHA & Vibrant Soundbridge)
ENT (Otolaryngology)
Ear Surgery
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Sinus Surgery
- Hearing Implantation( BAHA, Vibrant Soundbridge Middle ear, Cochlear Implant & Auditory Brainstem Implant)
- Paediatric ENT
- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
- Microscpic Ear Surgery
- MBBS from Armed Forces Medical College, India
- FRCS (ENT) from RCPS Glasgow, UK
- FRCS (ENT) from RCS Edinburgh, UK
- FRCS (ORL - HNS) from Intercollegiate Board in Otolaryngology, UK
Practice Information
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
Sarita Vihar, Delhi Mathura Road, Delhi, Delhi - 110076
Adventis - ENT & Cochlear Implant Clinic, Delhi
E-48, Block E, Greater Kailash I, Delhi, Delhi - 110048
Achievements & Contributions
- AOI gold medal for the best Consultant paper, 2011
- TWJ Fellowship to visit the Causse Clinic, Beziers, 2003
- Silver medal for the best paper presentation at the Annual Conference of Neuro-otological & Equilibriometric Society, New Delhi 2001
- Travel grant, Section of Otology, Royal Society of Medicine, 2001
- Travelling Fellowship, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 2001
- Scottish Otolaryngological Society prize for the best Registrar presentation at the annual S.O.S. meeting, Dumfries
- Downs Temporal Bone Dissection Competition (1st Prize), 1996 (Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital , London ).
- Downs Temporal Bone Dissection Competition (2nd Prize), 1995 (Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital , London ).
- Glasgow Temporal Bone Dissection Prize 1995 (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow).
- Cruden Temporal Bone Prize, 1995 (Scottish Otolaryngological Society
- Anil Chadha memorial Medal (Otorhinolaryngology), 1990
- Ashok Kumar S.Patel memorial Medal( Pharmacology), 1989
- Merit award in Surgery, 1990
- Merit award in Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology, 1990
- Dysphagia and obstructive sleep apnoe in Madelung’s Disease S Ali, A Kishore J Laryngology Otology, April 2007; Vol 121(4) p398-400
- Does patient-perceived handicap correspond to the modified clinical test for the sensory interaction on balance?S Loughran, A Kishore, S Gaehouse, IRC SwanOtol Neurotol. Jan 2006; Vol 27(1), p 86-91.
- Inter-observer reliability in evaluating postural stability between clinicians and posturographyS.Loughran, N.Tennent, A.Kishore, I.R.C.SwanClinical Otolaryngology, June 2005; Vol 30(3) p255-7
- Correlation of growth factor receptor expression with clinical growth in vestibular schwannomasB.F.O’Reilly, A. Kishore, C. Smith, J. CrowtherOtology and Neurotology, 2004, Vol 25(5), Sept 2004, p791-796
- Intracranial complications of diseases of the ear, nose and throat Kishore A, MacKenzie KSurgery, 2004, Vol 22:8, p175-177
- Growth rate of non-vestibular intra-cranial schwannomasB.F. O’Reilly, H. Mehanna, A. Kishore , J.A. Crowther Clinical Otolaryngology, 2004, Vol 29(1), Feb 2004, p 94 - 97
- How to audit your surgical performanceA.Kishore ENT News, 2003, Vol 11(6), p72 – 73
- Audit derived guidelines for training in endoscopic sinonasal surgery (ESS) – protecting patients during the learning curve M.L Montague, A Kishore, G.W McGarryClinical Otolaryngology, 2003, Vol 28(5), p411 - 416
- MR findings in Intralabyrinthine Schwannomas M.L. Montague, A. Kishore, D.M. Hadley, B.F O'ReillyClinical Radiology, 2002, Vol 57, p355 - 358
- Hypoglossal nerve paralysis following tonsillectomyC. Sharp, H.K. Borg, A. Kishore, K. MacKenzieJournal of Laryngology and Otology, May 2002, Vol 116 (5), p389 - 391
- Vocal process granulomas - Is surgery the answer ? A. Kishore, K. MacKenzie CME Bulletin - Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, 2002, Vol 6(1), p16-17
- Inhalation of foreign bodies in laryngectomees A.Kishore, D.Roy The Indian Journal of Otolaryngology, 2001, Vol 53(4), p315 - 317
- Our experience of vestibular schwannomas in type 2 neurofibromatosis : A 20 year review A.Kishore, J.A.Crowther, B.F.O’Reilly The Indian Journal Otology, Sept 2001, Vol 7 (3), p97 - 101
- A clinical and immuno-histochemical study on the growth of vestibular schwannomas A.Kishore, C. Smith, J.A.Crowther, B.F.O’ReillyThe Indian Journal Otology, Sept 2001, Vol 7 (3), p112 - 116
- Results of stapes surgery on patients with osteogenesis imperfecta L. Albanhasawy, A. Kishore, B. O'ReillyClinical Otolaryngology, Dec 2001, Vol 26, p473 – 476
- One Stop Neck lump clinic : Phase 2 of audit. How are we doing ? A. Kishore, CJR Stewart, GW McGarry, K MacKenzieClinical Otolaryngology, Dec 2001, Vol 26, p495 - 497
- The T tube - A cost effective DCR stent A. Kishore, GW McGarry Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Dec 2001, Vol 115, p992-993
- Epistaxis A.Kishore, J.CrowtherSurgery, 2001; 19:8 : p199 - 200
- Patient eligibility for day case paediatric adenotonsillectomy A.Kishore, A.Haider Ali, N.K.GeddesClinical Otolaryngology, Jan 2001, Vol 26(1), p47-49
- A clinical study of vestibular schwannomas in Neurofibromatosis 2 A.Kishore, B. O'Reilly Clinical Otolaryngology, Dec 2000, Vol 25(6), p561-565
- The role of fibreoptic laryngoscopy in infants with stridor M.Botma, A.Kishore, H.Kubba, N.K.GeddesInternational Journal of Paediatric Oto Rhino Laryngology, Sept. 2000, Vol 55 (1), p17-20
- Primary extracranial meningioma of the soft palate A.Kishore, D.Roy, B.IrvineThe Journal of Laryngology and Otology, February 2000, Vol 114, p149-150
- The role of fibreoptic laryngoscopy in neonates and young childre M.Botma, A.Kishore, N.GeddesThe Journal of Laryngology and Otology, November 1999, Vol113, p1039-1047(Abstract)
- Patient eligibility and parental attitude for day-case paediatric adenotonsillectomy A.Kishore, A.Haider Ali, N.K.Geddes The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, November 1999, Vol 113, p1039-1047(Abstract)
- Surgical anatomy of the ear demonstrated on a hinged section of the temporal bone A.Kishore Revuede Laryngologie Otologie Rhinologie, 1996, Vol. 117(3), p165
- Presentation and Management of Orbital problems in E.N.T. Diseas A. Kishore, M.J.J. Al Khabori, K. KishoreOman Medical Journal , May 1994; Vol. 10;No.4
- Association of Otolaryngologists of India
- Neurotological – Equilibriometric society of India
- Cochlear Implant Group of India (Jt Secretary)
- European Academy of Otology & Neurotology
- British Association of Paediatric Otolaryngology
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