Dr. Aman Bhatia
Cosmetic Dentist, Chandigarh
- 16 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- Languages : English, Hindi, Punjabi, Kannada
Cosmetic Dentistry
- Laser, Implants, Gum surgeries
- Cosmetic dentistry, General Dentistry
BDS, 2006, PMNM Dental College & Hospital, Bagalkot, India
MDS, 2009, PMNM Dental College & Hospital, Bagalkot, India
Practice Information
Dentafix Multispeciality Dental Clinic, Chandigarh
First Floor, SCO 17, Sector 27 C, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160022
Dentafix Multispecality Dental Clinic, Panchkula
#937, Sec 17, Panchkula, Haryana - 134109
Achievements & Contributions
- Interleukin 6 promoter polymorphism (minus 174 G/C) in Indian patients with chronic periodontitis. Journal of Oral science 2010 vol 52 no 3 pg
- Peripheral ossifying fibroma-A report of two Cases. Dental Raj, issue-1, 2010, 27-30.
- Focal fibrous hyperplasia. A case report. International journal of dental clinics 2010:2(4):56-57.
- Odontohypophosphatasia. A case report. JIDA 2011; 5(7):828-30.
- Periodontal Medicine: Definig link between Dental Practitioner and Physicians. JPAHER Vol-2, Issue 1,Jan –Mar 2011.
- Calcifying fibroblastic granuloma – a case report. JPAHER Vol-2, Issue 1,Jan –Mar 2011.
- Antioxidant therapy as monotherapy or as an adjunct to treatment of periodontal diseases. JISP,Volume : 17,Issue: 1,Page : 21-24
- Presented at Trivantpuram-“Relationship between Anaemia and Periodontitis by measuring Hb%, TLC, DLC value.
- Presented at Bangalore-“Nanoperio- a Godsend to Periodontal Therapy
- Presented at Bangalore-“Association Of Interleukin-6 Gene Polymorphisim (-174 G/C) With Chronic Periodontitis Subjects.
- Indian Society of Periodontology
- Indian Dental Association
- Dental Surgeon Association of India
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