Dr. Alexander George
Cosmetic Surgeon, Ernakulam
- 35 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- Dr. Alexander George, Consultant Plastic surgeon, kims hospital
- He has worked as a faculty in the Grant medical college and thereafter gained experience travelling abroad and interacting with many acclaimed plastic and cosmetic surgeons
- Dr. Alexander is also academically oriented with more than 34 papers in national and international journals in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery
- Languages : English, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam
Cosmetic Surgery
Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery
- MBBS, MS(General surgery) from Grant medical college and JJ Group of hospitals, Byculla, bombay (1989)
- MCh (Plastic Surgery) from Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and Hospital, Sion, Bombay (1993)
- Dr Alexander is a trained plastic and cosmetic surgeon with more surgical experience
- He graduated from the prestigious Grant medical college, Bombay university
- Postgraduation in general surgery from the same institute
- Superspecialize in plastic surgery from LTMMC, Bombay University
Practice Information
Kinder Multispeciality Hospital, Kochi
Pathadipalam, Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala - 682033
Holy Cross Hospital, Kochi
Palluruthy Industrial Area, Ernakulam, Palluruthy, Kochi, Kerala - 682006
Achievements & Contributions
- Papers Accepted And Papers Published :1) Plastic Surgery Workshop And Museum. Thatte Rl, Patankar Sy, Alexander G, Patel J. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 93, No 6, 1994
- Use Of Type Iii Venous Flaps: Single And Multistaged Procedures. Alexander G, Thatte Mr, Govilkar Ps. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 1995
- Conchal Cartilage Grafts In Rhinoplasty. Alexander G, Daver Bm. Indian Journal Of Plastic Surgery1995, 28,39-43
- Tissue Expansion And Breast Reconstruction In Polands Syndrome – Wound Healing Problems (letter). Indian Journal Of Plastic Surgery 1995,28,64
- George A, Cunha-gomes D, Thatte Rl. Early Division Of Pedicled Flaps Using A Simple Device: A New Technique.br J Plast Surg. 1996 Mar; 49(2): 119-22. Pmid: 8733353 [pubmed - Indexed For Medline]
- Vascular Malformation And Binders Syndrome. Alexander G, Daver Bm, Poonam N. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 1997
- Continuous Passive Mobilisation In The Hand – An Inexpensive Small Unit. Alexander G, Garude H, Thatte Mr, Mokal Nj. Indian Journal Of Plastic Surgery. 1996, 29, 16-19
- George A, Bang Rl, Lari Ar, Gang Rk, Kanjoor Jr. Liquid Ammonia Injury.burns. 2000 Jun;26(4):409-13. Pmid: 10751710 [pubmed - Indexed For Medline]
- George A, Bang Rl, Lari Ar, Gang Rk. Acute Thrombocytopenic Crisis Following Burns Complicated By Staphylococcalsepticaemia.burns. 2001 Feb;27(1):84-8. Pmid: 11164671 [pubmed - Indexed For Medline]
- George A, Bang Rl, Gupta R, Khalaf Em. Minor [correction Of Mi1nor] Burns And Pneumatocoeles: A Case Report.burns. 2001 Aug;27(5):504-8. Erratum In: Burns 2001 Dec;27(8):856
- “multistage Type Iii Venous Flaps Or ‘ Prearterialisation Of An Arterialised Venous Flap” G Alexander, British Journal Of Plastic Surgery , 2001, 8 , 734
- Alexander G, Ebrahim Mk. Spontaneous Bleeding Following Steroid Injection And Silicone-gel Sheeting In Akeloid Scar.br J Plast Surg. 2002 Mar;55(2):172-3. No Abstract Available
- “the Four Point Setback – A Simple Objective Method To Satisfy Patients In Prominent Ear Surgery” Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2002, 109(7) 2601-2
- ‘proliferating Tricholemmal Cyst Of The Eyebrow’ Kanjoor Jr, Lari Ar, Katchy Kc, George A. European Journal Of Plastic Surgery2001 24: 247-249
- “erythema Elevatum Diutinum And Plastic Surgery: Case Report” Lari Ar, George A, K Al-saeed. European Journal Of Plastic Surgery 2002, 25: 21-25
- Ebrahim Mk, George A, Bang Rl. Only Some Septicaemic Patients Develop Hypernatremia In The Burn Intensive Care Unit: Why? Burns. 2002 Sep;28(6):543-7
- George A, Gupta R, Bang Rl, Ebrahim Mk. Radiological Manifestation Of Pulmonary Complications In Deceased Intensivecare Burn Patients.burns. 2003 Feb;29(1):73-8
- George A, Ebrahim Mk. Infant Scald Burns: A Case Of Negligence?burns. 2003 Feb;29(1):95
- Use Of The Posterior Temporofacial Flap And Galeal Facial Flap In The Second Stage Of Microtia Reconstruction. Alexander G, Nesso R, Mohammed E K, Zamil S. British Journal Of Plastic Surgery 2002
- Alexander G, Basheer Hm, Ebrahim Mk, Ghoneim I. Idiopathic Purpura Fulminans And Varicella Gangrenosa Of Both Hands, Toes And Integument In A Child. Br J Plast Surg. 2003 Mar;56(2):194-5
- Fat Necrosis And Why The Classic Abdominoplasty Should Be Avoided In Obese Patients. George Alexander, Mohammed K Ebrahim, Ibrahim Ghonem. Kuwait Medical Journal, March 2005
- Is Routine Admission Chest Radiograph Of Any Clinical Value In Non- Intensive Care Burn Patients Without Inhalation Injury?alexander G, Saldanah J, Ebrahim Mk, Ghoenim I. Burns. 2003 August;29 (5):499-500
- Koladi J, Gang Rk, Hamza Aa, George A, Bang Rl, Rajacic N. Versatility Of The Distally Based Superficial Sural Flap Lower Leg And Foot In Children. J Pediatr Orthop. 2003 Mar-apr;23(2):194-8
- Mebo And Hot Bitumen Burns : G Alexander, Nebosja Rajacic, M K Ebrahim, Ibrahim Ghoneim. Burns 2003 Dec;29(8):863-5
- Double Trouble: Knotted Urethral Catheter In A Child With Trigonocephaly” Accepted In Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
- Late Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Occurring In A Major Burn Patient With Inhalation Injury And Mrsa Pneumonia. Burns. 2004 Aug; 30(5):488-9
- An Unusual Case Of Scalp Laxity Following Weightreduction. Case Report: George Alexander,ms, Mch; Ibrahim Ghoenim,frcs; Mohammed K.ebrahim,frcs. Obesity Surgery, 14, 2007
- Use Of Methylene Blue In The Complete Excision Of Ruptured Cutaneous Cycts
- Congential Indifference To Pain In Two Sisters – Case Report. Author: George Alexander,ghoneim Ibrahim, Mohammed K. Kuwait Medical Journal 2006; 38 (1): 40-42. 30)+ Skin Staple Removal By Artery Forceps – A Hazardous Practice? Letter To Editor . Burns. Doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2004.07.009
- Web References – Will They Be Erased In Time? Letter To Editor- Accepted For Publication In The ‘ Burns’ Journal
- An Unusual Injury And Foreign Body In The Hard Palate: Case Report. Dr Alexander G Dr Bang Dr Al Najadah I
- Role Of Plastic Surgery In The Treatment Of War Injuries: Case Report. Dr I Ghonem, Dr G Alexander, Dr A. F. Kuwait Medical Journal 2007,39 (1)
- A New Breast Marker: Accepted For Publication- British Journal Of Plastic Surgery ++
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