Dr. Ajit Avasthi
Psychiatrist, Chandigarh
MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)
- Schizophrenia
- Affective Disorders
- Psychosexual Dysfunctions
Practice Information
Fortis Hospital, Mohali
Sector 62, Phase - VIII, Mohali, Mohali, Chandigarh - 160062
Chuttani Medical Centre, Chandigarh
S.C.O 52 - 53 - 54, Sector 17 - C, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160017
Achievements & Contributions
- Who Sponsored Study Of Family Intervention In Schizophrenia, Eli Lilly Sponsored Drug Trial
- Marfatia Award for the year 1989 of the Indian Psychiatric Society for the "Best Paper Presented" at the Annual Conference
- PPA-IAward for the year 1990 of the Indian Psychiatric Society for the "Best Published Paper"
- "Best Paper" Award for the year 1990 at XVth North Zonal Conference of theIndian Psychiatric Society
- "Best Paper" Award for the year 1993 at XVIIIth North Zonal Conference of theIndian Psychiatric Society
- "Best Paper" Award for the year 1993 at IIIrd Annual Conference of North ZoneChapter of Urological Society of India
- Dr.G.C. Boral Award for the year 1997 at the XXIInd North Zonal Conference of theIndian Psychiatric Society
- Dr.A.K. Kala Award for the year 1997 for original research in Biological Psychiatry at the XXIInd North Zonal Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society
- “Best Paper” Award for the year 1997 at the XXIInd North Zonal Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society
- Dr. Buckshey Award for the year 1998 at the XXIIIrd NorthZonal Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society
- PPA-I Award for the year 2005 by the Indian Psychiatric Society for the ‘Best Published Paper
- PPA-I Award for the year 2008 of the Indian Psychiatric Society for the “Best Published Paper
- Dr. Buckshey Award for the year 2011 at theXXXVIth North Zonal Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society
- Dr. V.S. Mani Memorial Oration Award of the year 2014. Venad Guild of Psychiatrists, Trivendrum, Kerala. “Maritaland Psycho-sexual disorders in India - a perspective and the paradox!
- PunjabState Award conferred on Independence Day, 2014: Punjab Sarkar Parman Patra for excellent and valuable services rendered tothe Society in the field of Medical Profession
- IAGMHINTAS Award (Second Prize) for the year 2014 of Indian Association for Geriatric Mental Health
- Dr.A. Venkoba Rao Oration Award of the year 2015 of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry
- PPA-I Award for the year 2015 of the Indian PsychiatricSociety for the “Best Published Paper”. Indian Psychiatric Society Multicentric Study on Assessment of Health-Care Needs of Patients with Severe Mental Illnesses
- Grover, S; Dutt, A; Avasthi, A. Research on Depression in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 52, S 178-188 (2010)
- Sahoo, MK; Avasthi, A; Sahoo, M; Modi, M; Biswas, P. Psychiatric manifestations of WilsonÂ’s disease and treatment with electroconvulsive therapy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 52, 66-68 (2010)
- Dutt, A; Grover, S; Chakrabarti, S; Avasthi, A; Kumar, S. Phenomenology and treatment of Catatonia: a descriptive study from North India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 53, 36-40(2011)
- Avasthi, A. Indianizing Psychiatry – Is there a case enough? DLN Murthy Rao Oration Award Paper. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 53(2), 111-120 (2011)
- Grover, S; Kumar, V; Avasthi, A; Kulhara, P. An audit of first- prescription ofnew patients attending a Psychiatry walk-in-clinic in North India. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 44(3), 319-325 (2012)
- Aggarwal, M;. Grover, S; Chakrabarti; S;Dutt, A; Avasthi, A; Kulhara P. Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression: an exploratory study. ( Awarded Buckshey Award of Indian Psychiatric Society – North Zone,2011) Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 17(1), 15-24(2012)
- Grover, S; Avasthi, A; Kalita, K; Dalal, PK; Rao, GP; Chadda, RK; Lakdawala, B; Bang G; Chakraborty, K; Kumar, S; Singh, PK; Kathuria, P;Thirunavukarasu, M; Sharma,PSVN, Harish T; Shah, N; Deka, K. IPS Multicentric Study – Anti Depressant prescription patterns. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(1), 41-45(2013)
- Nebhinani, N; Grover, S; Chakrabarti, S; Kate, N; Avasthi, A. A longitudinal study of change in prevalence of metabolic syndrome and metabolic d disturbances 3 months after Clozapine therapy. (Awarded A.K. Kala Award of Indian Psychiatric Society – North Zone, 2012). Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 18 (1), 9-17 (2013)
- Avasthi, A; Ghosh, A. Commentary: Depression in primary care - challenges and controversies. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 139,188-190 (2014)
- Grover, S; Kate, N; Mattoo, SK; Chakrabarti, S; Malhotra, S; Avasthi, A; Kulhara, P; Basu, D. Delirium: Predictors of Delay in Referral to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Services. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 56 (2) 171-175 (2014)
- Grover, S; Avasthi, A; Sharma; A. Motoric subtypes of deliriumin geriatric patients. Journal ofGeriatric Mental Health, 1(1), 14-19 (2014)
- Mehra, A;Avasthi, A; Gupta, V; Grover, S. Trichophagia along with trichobezoar in the absence of trichotillomania. Journal ofNeurosciences in Rural Practice, 5, 55-57(2014)
- Grover, S; Avasthi, A; Shah, S; Lakdawala, B;Chakraborty, K; Nebhinani,N;Kallivayalill, RA; Dalal, PK;Sinha, V; Khairkar, P; Mukerjee, DG; Thara, R; Behere, P; Chauhan, N; Thirunavukarasu, M; Malhotra, S.IndianPsychiatric Society Multicentric Study on Assessment of Health-Care Needs ofPatients with Severe Mental Illnesses. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 57(1), 43-50(2015).Awarded PPA-1Award of Indian Psychiatric Societyfor the best published paper of 2015
- Basu, D; Avasthi, A. Strategy for management ofsubstance use disorders in the State ofPunjab: Developing a structural model of state-level de-addiction services inthe health sector (the “Punjab Model”). Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 57 (1), 9-20(2015)
- Grover S, Sarkar S, Chakrabarti S, Malhotra S, Avasthi A.Intentional Self-harm in Childrenand Adolescents: A Study from Psychiatry Consultation Liaison Services of a Tertiary Care Hospital. Indian Journal ofPsychological Medicine, 37(1),12-16(2015).
- Aneja, J; Grover, S; Avasthi; A,Mahajan, S; Pokhrel, P; Triveni, D. Can Masturbatory Guilt Lead to Severe Psychopathology: A Case Series. Indian Journalof Psychological Medicine. 37(1), 81-86 (2015)
- Gupta, G; Avasthi, A; Grover, S; Singh, S. Factors Associatedwith Suicidalideations and Suicidal attempts in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 12, 140-146(2014)
- Somaiya, M; Grover, S;Chakrabarti, S; Avasthi, A. Comparative study of cost of care of outpatients with bipolar disorder andschizophrenia. Asian Journal ofPsychiatry, 12, 125-133 (2014)
- Grover, S; Aneja, J; Sharma, A; Malhotra, R; Varma, S; Basu,D; Avasthi, A. ExplanatoryModels of somatoform disorder patients attending a psychiatry outpatient clinic: a studyfrom North India. International Journalof Social Psychiatry,60(5), 492-498 (2014)
- Grover, S; Aneja, J; Sharma, A; Malhotra, R; Varma, S; Basu,D; Avasthi, A. Do the variouscategories of somatoform disorders differ from each other in symptom profile and psychological correlates. InternationalJournal of Social Psychiatry, 61(2), 148-156 (2015)
- Life Fellow Of Indian Psychiatric Society
- Life Fellow Of Indian Association For Social Psychiatry
- Member National Academy Of Medical Sciences
- Fellow International Society For Affective Disorders
- Founding Member Indian Society For Biological Psyc
- Member World Federation Of Societies Of Biological Psychiatry (2006)
- International Member, American Psychiatric Association (2006 – 2013) International Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (2013)
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