Dr. Ahmed M Siddiq
Pathologist, Bangalore
- Asst.Professor Dept of Pathology at Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital, Bangalore 1999 to till date
- Worked as Post Graduate cum Tutor in pathlogy at Kasturba medical college, Mangalore 1996-1999
- Worked as Resident in Dept of Medicine(Neurology) at Manipal Hosptial, Bangalore
- Sri Devraj Urs Medical College Hospital, Kolar SNR Govt Dist Hospital, Kolar
- KC General Hospital attached to Bnagalore medical college Emidemic Hospital
- Posted as a pathologist from Bangalore medical college to Bowring & Lady Curzon hospital, Bangalore about 5000 biopsies per annum reported independently.
- Most of Haematology reports are automated with peripheral smears, which are checked as routine for all abnormal coulter values.
- Special investigations like Osmotic Fragility test, Sick ling Test, ICT DCT as a routine procedure.
- Special stains are diagnostic value in our setup mainly in Histopathology & Haematology as an Academic exercise.
- Quality control Internal as well as external, external quality control with AIIMS, New delhi
- Posted as a pathologist from Bangalore medical college to Bowring & Lady Curzon hospital, Bangalore about 5000 biopsies per annum reported independently.
- Most of Haematology reports are automated with peripheral smears, which are checked as routine for all abnormal coulter values.
- Special investigations like Osmotic Fragility test, Sick ling Test, ICT DCT as a routine procedure.
- Special stains are diagnostic value in our setup mainly in Histopathology & Haematology as an Academic exercise.
- Quality control Internal as well as external, external quality control with AIIMS, New delhi
- MBBS,MD,DNB(Pathology)
Practice Information
Vagus Super Speciality Hospital, Bangalore
6/7/8, 4th Main,18th Cross, Chitrashilpi Venkatappa Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560003
Achievements & Contributions
- Karanataka chapter of Indian Association of Pathlogists and Microbiologists Oct 1996
- Annual conference at Mangalore and Kolar respectively
- XVI continuing medical education (CME) and post graduate course in pathology conducted by Jawaharlal nehru medical college, Belgaum
- 28th annual conference of Indian academy of Cytologist at Goa, India
- Karnataka chapter of Indian association of pathologists and microbiologists , annual conference attended each year
- Organized continuing medical education in 2003-2004 at Bangalore medical college
- Publications and research“Role of modified rapid AFB Method in Histopathological section of Hansen’s disease.” Indian journal of Dermetol Venerol leprosol 2003
- Original article published called “Role of Flouroscent microscopy in detection of mycobacterium leprae in Tissue sections”.- Annals of Diagnostic pathology April 2003
- Incorporated in the chapter of “ Lymphnode inflammatory / Lymphoplastic disease “ under sub heading Leprosy page 1899 .
- Published article entitled “Fine needle aspiration cytology in system lupus Erythematosus Lymphadenopathy” acta cytologica. The International journal of Cytology
- “Dissertation : Observer variation and Discrimitive value of biopsy features in inflammatory Bowel Disease”
- Presented scientific paper entitled FNCA in systemic lupus erythematosus lymphadenopathy at Kolar KCIAPM annual conference in jan 1999.
- Presented scientific poster entitled GYNANDROBLASTOMA a case at KCIAPM annual conference in Feb 1998
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