Dr. Aditya Das IVF & Infertility Specialist in Bhubaneswar

Dr. Aditya Das

IVF & Infertility Specialist, Bhubaneswar


  • 16 Years Experience
  • 2 Hospitals


The name of Dr. Aditya Das is well known in the field of Reproductive Medicine in the state of Odisha. Dr. Das, who is an expert in treating infertility, operates the Keya Fertility Centre in the Rasulgarh canal road area of Bubaneswar, Odisha.

He has immense knowledge and expertise, including clinical training,  in the treatment of infertile couples. His experience in the state of Kerala and other South Indian states , ART training in several prominent centres in India and abroad have come a long way in understanding the problems faced by barren couples.

Dr. Aditya’s mission in opening the infertility clinic was to treat childless couples through the highest quality of treatment through highly ethical means, but at down-to-earth prices. Dr. Aditya Das treats  each case by a thorough evaluation of a childless couple, including study of family history, appropriate physical examinations, diagnostic imaging, and laboratory tests.

The Keya Fertility IVF/ICSI Centre, is Odisha's most ethical and research-based advanced test tube baby centre. The Keya Fertility is totally devoted to diagnosing and treating the cause of infertility with the least intervention. Patients visiting the clinic are impressed with the high level of compassionate and individualized care offered by the staff.

This centre is the brainchild of Fertility Consultant Dr Aditya Das and Dr Kokila Das, who have beentrained in a number of hospitals throughout the country.

  • Languages : English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Bengali


Fertility Consultant, keya FERTILITY IVF & ICSI Centre, Bhubaneswar January, 2011 -  Present


  • IVF & Infertility

  • Gynaecological Endoscopy

  • Reproductive Medicine


 His key areas of expertise are Ovulation Induction in PCOS and minimal stimulation IVF and Patient specific optimistaion of IVF lab.



Practice Information

Keya Fertility Centre, Bomikhal Rasulgarh

Keya Fertility Centre, Bomikhal Rasulgarh

Friends Colony, GGP Canal Road, Near Manjula Kalyani Mandap, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751010

Keya Fertility IVF Clinic, Balasore

Keya Fertility IVF Clinic, Balasore

Near Railway Station, Baleshwar, Balasore, Odisha - 756001

Achievements & Contributions

  • Patients from Baleswar, Jaleswar , Baripada ,Kolkata can meet Dr Aditya Das on every first Sunday at Balasore Clinic, near Balasore railway station between 11AM - 4Pm and discuss about there infertility problem. Please , fix an appointment at 7381195848 . www.keyafertility.com
  • ISAR,Neoindia Fertility Forum(NIFF),ESHRE,ISMAAR, OFF,FOGSI