Dr. Abhishek Aggarwal Surgical Gastroenterologist in Delhi

Dr. Abhishek Aggarwal

Surgical Gastroenterologist, Delhi


  • 2 Hospitals


  • Languages : English, Hindi


  • Surgical Gastroenterology


  • Radical esophagectomy
  • Robotic esophagectomy
  • Radical cholecystectomy


MBBS, Dr D Y Patil medical college, Pune

MS (General Surgery), SMS Medical College, Jaipur

Mch (Gastrointestinal Surgery), All India Institute of Medical sciences, Delhi

Practice Information

Amrita Hospital, Faridabad

Amrita Hospital, Faridabad

Mata Amritanandamayi Marg, Sector 88, Faridabad, Haryana - 121002

Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi

Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi

Sector - V, Rohini, Delhi, Delhi - 110085

Achievements & Contributions

  • Best oral paper award at state chapter (Rajasthan), ASICON( Association of surgeons of India annual conference)  2011.
  • Abdul Razik, Kumble S Madhusudhan, Abhishek Aggarwal. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of the Jejunum With Active Bleeding demonstrated on Dual-Energy MDCT Angiography: A Case Report. Current Problems in diagnostic radiology  2019; 48(3): 298-301.
  • Abhishek Agarwal, Sanchit Jain, LN Meena, Sumita A Jain, Lakshman : Validation of Boey’s score in predicting morbidity and mortality in peptic perforation peritonitis  in North western India. Tropical Gastroenterology 2015;36(4):256–260.