We have 15 doctors listed in Apollo Clinic, Dispur with comprehensive information about the doctor including qualification, experience,
education, procedures and conditions treated, expertise and more. You can search Apollo Clinic doctors list by name or speciality.
Here are details by speciality: Gastroenterology (3), Surgical Oncology (Cancer Surgery) (3), Oncology (2), Gastrointestinal Medicine (2), Gastrointestinal Surgery (2), Gastrology (2), Hepatobiliary Surgery (2), Hepatology (2), Liver Hepatology (2), Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Surgery (2), Minimal Access Surgery (2), Cardiology (2), Pancreatic Surgery (2), Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2), Pediatric Surgery (2), Piles (2), Surgical Gastroenterology (2), Transplant surgery (2), Vascular Surgery (2), Gastro Surgery (2), Endocrine Surgery (2), Colorectal Surgery (Proctology) (2), Clinical Oncology (2), Cancer Chemotherapy (2), Bariatric Surgery (2), Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (2), Laparoscopic Surgery (2), General Surgery (2), General & Laparoscopic Surgery (2), Liver Transplant (1), Medical Oncology (1), Obesity (1), Rheumatology (1), Palliative Care (1), Neurology (1), Pediatric Neurosurgery (1), Spine Surgery (1), Pediatric gastroenterology (1), Neurosurgery (1), Uro Oncology (1), EndoUrology (1), Urology (1), Geriatrics (1), Critical Care (1), Accident & Emergency (1), Trauma Surgery (1), Preventive Oncology (1), Endoscopy (1), Diabetic Foot Surgery (1), Breast Surgery (1), Pediatric Cardiology (1), ENT (Otolaryngology) (1), Obstetrics and Gynecology (1), Diabetology (1), Orthopedics (1).
If any doctor that you know who is working in Apollo Clinic is not listed here, please email us at '
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