Clove Dental Clinic, Safdarjung Development Area
Opp IIT Main Gate, C-4/8, Safdarjung Development Area, Hauz Khas, Delhi, Delhi - 110016
- 5 Specialities
- Dentistry
- Endodontics
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Orthodontics
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Gingivoplasty
- Gingival Currettage
- Root planning
- Gum treatments
- Prosthodontist
- Dentures
- Implants
- Fabrication
- Pedodontist
- Child tooth extraction
- Child orthodontic treatment
- Child implant
- Child RCT
- Child Gum Treatment
- Child Complete Denture
- Child composite filling
- Endodontist
- Pulpotomy
- Bleaching
- Teeth whitening
- Tooth Jewelry
- Root Canal Treatment (RCT)
- General Dentist
- Extraction
- Implants
- Teeth whitening
- Oral Surgery & Implantology
- Extraction
- Cyst removal
- Oral cancer detection
- Skin grafts
- Retainers
- Repair of fixed orthodontic appliances
- Repair of interceptive appliance