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Covid, also known as COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by a coronavirus. In the term COVID-19, CO stands for corona and VI stands for virus and D stands for disease. According to the World Health Organisation coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, and has quickly spread all over the world. In this article we will be discussing whether can we get Covid after the vaccination, etc.
We call it a respiratory tract infection. It affects the upper respiratory tract or lower respiratory tract. This virus spreads from one person to another person very fast, when a sick person coughs or sneezes the droplets get sprayed as far as approximately 6 feet away. A healthy person if exposed to these droplets may get infected by breathing in the virus if he is within a distance of 1meter. The person who is infected with the virus remains asymptomatic in most cases for 4 to 5 days. That infected person without knowing becomes the virus-host and spreads the disease to all the people around and also to the people who they meet. This disease also spreads if a person touches a contaminated surface and touches his nose, mouth, or eyes without washing hands.
The main reason for the spread of this virus is if a person touches a contaminated surface and then without washing hands touches his nose or mouth or eyes.
[Also Read: What does asymptomatic coronavirus mean]
Symptoms or signs of infection vary from one to one but the common signs of infection include;
The primary impact of this virus is on the nervous system and damages it thus disturbing respiratory functioning. In many cases, in persons affected with pneumonia, multiple organs are observed to fail and lead to death.
To prevent covid-19 we should follow below rules;
The covid-19 virus spreads from one person to another person very fast and easily. The incubation period of the covid-19 virus is found to be around 1 to 14 days. Covid-19 being a highly contagious disease, even before the symptoms are recognized, many are becoming the host of spreading the disease, resulting in a widespread of the disease. After knowing a person is infected, he will be admitted to the hospital if he has any issue in breathing or any other disorder. Infected patients will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness.
Some people who had mild respiratory illness are cured by quarantining them at home without special treatment.
Some people are cured at the hospital under the doctor's guidance. Doctors treated patients with the drugs available to them. But all the patients who are above 60 years old are having health issues like diabetes, cardiovascular, chronic respiratory disease and cancer develop serious illness have no vaccine or treatment.
However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating the treatment.
The government of India has approved the vaccines found by the companies - AstraZeneca and Bharath Biotech namely Covaxin and Covishield vaccines respectively and launched the vaccination drive all through the country on January 16th,2021.
Yes, there are chances of getting covid after the first vaccine but you will be protected from getting seriously sick from covid, you will not be hospitalized. You will have a mild or moderate form of the disease. Vaccination gives immunity to fight against viruses.
Covid vaccines available are not unusual. Every vaccine has its specific period of time that ranges from a few months to years.
As per the available data, most of the people who have recovered are showing some protection as well as immunity against the Covid infection. We are still in the learning stage of this mutating virus about how long protection works and how long does the covid vaccine last?
People who are currently covid positive, are supposed to wait for 90 days and should wait till they clear the virus and are treated with monoclonal antibodies.
Common side effects of the covid-19 vaccine are listed below;
Some people may get more serious side effects from vaccines but which is in rare conditions.
The answer to Can we get Covid after the vaccination of both doses is yes, as there are cases noted that vaccinated are becoming asymptotic hosts in spreading the disease. Coronavirus is a fast-spreading virus and has changed the life of the world that is difficult to predict. Consequences of covid include economic recession, trade protectionism, cultural and travel exchanges have been restricted and many others as such. Soon we should come out of this pandemic period and enjoy life as before 2019.