The P. D. Hinduja National Hospital located in Mumbai is one of the best ultramodern multi-specialty tertiary care hospitals in the country. The hospital, which is located at Mahim boasts of 342 beds, inclusive of critical care beds in various specialties. Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja, a great philanthropist, is the founder of this hospital. The hospital operates a Medical Research Centre in collaboration with the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA.
The P D Hinduja National Hospital offers an entire range of services covering diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and post-operative care. It also provides out-patient facilities, a Day Centre, and an exclusive Health Check Centre for executives. Hinduja Hospital is the first multi-disciplinary tertiary care hospital that has been awarded the prestigious ISO 9002 Certification from KEMA of Netherlands for Quality Management System.
The Department of Neurology offers a wide range of facilities to treat all types of neurological problems. The Electrophysiology lab has 2 EMG machines, a video telemetric EEG, and a conventional 20 channel EEG.
The neurosurgery operation theatre is fully equipped with the viewing wand, MRT/CT compatible Leksell Stereotactic system, accessories for minimally invasive neurosurgery, Zeiss multivision neuro microscope, Ultrasonic surgical aspirator, Laser and Midas Rex high-speed drill system. The neurosurgery department is a major referral centre in India for all types of neurosurgeries.
The hospital has one of the best pulmonary medicine departments in the area. The department has an excellent diagnostic and therapeutic service that covers all respiratory disorders. The department has a state-of-the-art lung function laboratory that conducts PFT of 30 patients per day on an average. The following specialized services are offered in the department:
• Sleep studies (Polysomnography)
• Assessment for domiciliary non-invasive ventilator support
• Bronchoscopy service, including BAL
• Transbronchial lung biopsies and Wang-needle biopsies,
• Complete pulmonary – lung - function testing