- Anesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Endocrinology
- ENT (Otolaryngology)
- Gastroenterology
- General & Laparoscopic Surgery
- General Medicine
- Gynecology
- Nephrology
- Neurosurgery
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedics
- Pathology
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Pulmonology
- Radiology
- Surgical Oncology (Cancer Surgery)
- Air conditioned OPD Block with advanced Echo Cardiography (VIVID 3), Tread Mill (Marquett) HOLTER (GE) and ECG Pagewriter Philips) Machines
- Fully equipped 24 hour emergency with modern resuscitation equipment
- Two CARDIAC Care units (CCU) of 14 Beds each with dedicated intensive care team and equipments (Multi Para Moniter , IABP, Vantilator)
- High volume fixed Cath lab, performing All complex Cardiac Cases, Preferred centre for Primary Angioplasty and trans- Radial Angiography / plasty
- Experienced Cardiac surgery team performing all Cardiac surgeries (coronary Artery Bypass Grafting , Valve Replacement, Congenital Heart Disease, Repair of Vascular Injuries, Lungs and pleural space surgery , management of Chest Injuries.
- Dialysis - For CRF at Nominal rates.
- Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
- Emergency Department
- 24 Hour Pharmacy
- 24 Hour Fully Equiped Ambulance
- Canteens
- Mon - Sat: 08:00am - 08:00pm
- Sun: 10:00am - 02:00pm