The Government General Hospital, officially named Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, is a major state government owned hospital situated in Chennai, India. The hospital with 3,000 beds is funded and managed entirely by the state government of Tamil Nadu. The hospital was originally founded in 1664 by the British East India Company.
The Department of Neurology at the Government General Hospital is one of the best departments in the region. The sub-specialties of Neuroradiology, Neuroanesthesia, Neuropathology, Neurochemistry, EEG and clinical Neurophysiology, Neuro-ophthalmology, Clinical Psychology, Speech Therapy and physiotherapy cater to the needs of both out-patient and in-patients. Special out-patient clinics are run for cases of Epilepsy, Headache and Movement Disorder. The department has excellent facilities for all types of neurosurgeries, including skull base operation, micro-neurosurgical operation, and other latest techniques.